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  • Tel. No.:+86 773 5896378
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  • Mailing Address: College of Tourism & Landscape Architecture,Guilin University of Technology, No. 319, Yanshan Street, Yanshan District, Guilin City, Guangxi Province
  • Post Code :541006
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College of Tourism & Landscape Architecture

  • College of Tourism & Landscape Architecture,GUT,was founded in 1985. With more than 30-year history, the college, with “nationality tourism, tourism designing and planning, and nationality culture landscape heritage” as its main orientations, has formed the school-running mode integrating “college, government, enterprise, production, study and research”, and the professional discipline construction characteristics of “leading by innovation, supporting by platform, cooperating between college and enterprise, and promoting researching by teaching”.

  • The college sets 3 undergraduate programs at present, including tourism management, hotel management and landscape architecture; 2 master-degree programs for the second-level disciplines, including tourism management and economy of Chinese ethnic minority nationalities; 1 master-degree program for the first-level discipline of landscape architecture and 1 professional program for master of tourism administration (MTA).

  • In the past 30 years since its foundation, the college has tightly insisted on the concept of “putting talents cultivation as a core, treating excellent teaching quality as foundation, and strengthening collage with outstanding talents“ and committed to improve teaching, disciplines and specialty construction, with various disciplines ranked in the forefront of the country. In the future, based on the practice platform of constructing Guilin City as a international tourism resort and Guangxi province as a strong tourism region, and taking the national development strategy of “One Belt and One Road” and construction of China-ASEAN Free Trade Area as an opportunity, the college will deeply combine tourism industry with the local social and economic development, strengthen its exchanges and cooperation with surrounding countries, especially ASEAN countries, in order to foster more outstanding internationalized high-end practical talents.



  • 桂林理工大学旅游学院始建于1985年,办学30多年来,已形成了“以民族旅游、旅游规划与策划、民族文化景观遗产”为主要方向的“校、政、企、产、学、研”一体化办学模式,和“创新引领、平台支撑、校地协同、以研促教”的专业建设特色。

  • 学院现设有旅游管理、酒店管理、风景园林3个本科专业,设有旅游管理、中国少数民族经济2个二级学科硕士点,1个风景园林一级学科硕士点和1个旅游管理硕士专业学位点(MTA)。

  • 建院30年来,学院紧紧围绕学校“育人为本,质量立校,人才强校”的办学理念,始终狠抓教学与学科专业建设,各专业排名处在全国前列。展望未来,学院以桂林国际旅游胜地和广西旅游强区建设为实践平台,以“一带一路”国家发展战略和中国-东盟自由贸易区建设为契机,将旅游业和区域经济社会发展深度结合,紧密与周边国家特别是东盟国家的交流合作,培养更多优秀的、国际化的高级应用型人才。