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  • Tel. No.:+86 773 5896378
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  • Mailing Address: College of Tourism & Landscape Architecture,Guilin University of Technology, No. 319, Yanshan Street, Yanshan District, Guilin City, Guangxi Province
  • Post Code :541006
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Talent Cultivation Mode

  • Joint cultivation with the domestic and foreign tourism industry departments, scientific research institutions and the relevant enterprises. Adoption of the flexible and diversified training patterns though taking into consideration of the actual situation, characteristics of tourism industry and students sources.

  • In terms of the teaching content, adhering to combination of theory and practice, in order to fully reflect the knowledge and quality requirements on the professional personnel in tourism management practice field, to highlight tourism industry’s characteristics of strong relevance, broad radiation and complex formation. Teaching though taking into consideration of the actual cases in tourism development of China and ASEASN countries to inspire students’ thinking, and dynamically integrating course instruction, case studies, team learning and professional practice (internship), to cultivate students’ abilities of thinking, analyzing and solving problems, and highlight practice orientation of tourism management.

  • In terms of faculty resources, equipped with open-style and diversified teacher resources. Employing famous domestic and foreign teachers with rich experience in teaching and management practice to give lectures for our students, including leading people, senior officers, and tourism administrative personnel from well-known domestic and foreign tourism enterprises. The employed teachers not only have learning and researching experience in high education institutions with high academic qualification, but also have consulting experience in large tourism enterprises, government and trade associations at home and abroad.

  • Strengthen practice. Organizing graduate students to visit and conduct surveys in large domestic and foreign tourism enterprises and other units and their practical results will be evaluated.

  • In terms of evaluation methods, changing the course evaluation method of treating the traditional examination as main standard to the comprehensive evaluation in various aspects such as curriculum examination, class discussion, case analysis, special reports, document reading and so on. In terms of the graduation thesis, adopting the form of a tutor group, by combining collective training and individual guidance of tutors, to absorb personnel whom has acted as senior professional technical positions or senior management positions in tourism practice departments to jointly participate in the thesis proposal, review, defense and other cultivation links for graduate students.



  • 与国内外旅游产业部门、科研机构和相关企事业等单位联合培养。结合旅游业实际情况和特点及生源情况,采取灵活多样的培养方式。

  • 在教学内容上,坚持理论与实践相结合,充分反映旅游管理实践领域对专门人才的知识与素质要求,突出旅游业关联性强、辐射面广和构成复杂的特点,结合中国和东盟国家旅游业发展实际中的案例进行教学,注重启发学生思维,将课程讲授、案例研讨、团队学习和专业实(见)习等多种方式进行有机结合,培养学生思维能力及分析问题和解决问题能力,突出旅游管理实践导向。

  • 在师资配备上,采用开放式、多元化的师资配备。聘请国内外知名的、具有丰富教学经验与管理实践经验的教师为研究生授课,包括来自国内外知名旅游企业的领军人物、资深高管人员、旅游行政管理人员。所聘请的教师不仅   具有在旅游高等教育科研机构的学习和研究经历并拥有较高的学历,同时还   具有为国内外大型旅游企业、政府及行业协会担任顾问等或管理咨询的经验。

  • 加强实践环节。组织研究生赴国内外大型旅游企业等单位进行参观、调研,并考核成绩。

  • 在考核形式上,改变以传统考试为主要标准的课程考核形式,形成由课程考试、课堂讨论、案例分析、专题报告、文献阅读等方面综合评定。在毕业论文上,采取导师组形式,通过集体培养与导师个人负责相结合的指导方式,吸收国内外旅游实务部门中具有高级专业技术职务或具有高级管理职位的人员共同参与到学位论文开题、评阅、答辩等研究生培养环节。