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  • Tel. No.:+86 773 5896378
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  • Mailing Address: College of Tourism & Landscape Architecture,Guilin University of Technology, No. 319, Yanshan Street, Yanshan District, Guilin City, Guangxi Province
  • Post Code :541006
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Brief Introduction


MTA—Master of Tourism Administration is an education program for the professional degree that cultivates the high-end application-oriented and multi-ability talents for tourism management. The MTA program for the international students of GUT aims at highlighting the characteristics of internationalization, application orientation and professionalism through implementing the internationalized and socialized education strategy; cultivating high-end, application-oriented tourism management talents whom are equipped with the high sense of social responsibility, innovation ability, tourism professional quality, bearing the global perspective, cross-culture communication competence, strong strategic thinking and implementation abilities, and meeting the actual working requirements of the modern tourism and the relevant industries, in order for developing the tourism industry of China and ASEAN countries. Guilin University of Technology (GUT) was one of the 56 domestic universities that are firstly designated to set up MTA by the Ministry of Education of the PRC in 2010; in 2011, the actual enrollment number of MTA reached 39, which ranked top among the domestic universities.                  



旅游管理专业硕士(MTA—Master of Tourism Administration),是培养应用型、复合型高层次旅游管理人才的专业学位教育类型。我校MTA留学生教育的培养目标是:通过实施国际化、社会化教育战略,凸显国际化、应用性和职业化特色;为中国与东盟国家旅游产业发展与交流服务,培养具有高度社会责任感、创业创新能力和旅游职业素养,具备国际化视野和跨文化沟通能力,具有较强的战略思维能力与执行力,能够胜任现代旅游业与相关行业实际工作需要的高层次、应用型旅游管理专门人才。桂林理工大学是2010年教育部首批指定开设旅游管理专业硕士学位教育的国内56所高校之一;2011年MTA实际招生人数达39人,位列全国高校第一位。